Our Community Foundation has announced the second Teaching Innovator grant recipient at North Daviess Community Schools. A $250 grant was awarded for a project in Kami Giesler’s classroom that will introduce them to Indiana authors to increase their enjoyment of reading.
The grant will be used to purchase books by individuals who were either born in Indiana or currently reside in the state. “Technology has caused a decline in reading in a large portion of students in today’s classroom,” says Giesler. “The purpose of my project is to get my students to read books and to learn something about our state and the people who have contributed to the literary world. Getting our youth to unplug from technology and engage in reading will enrich their lives in multiple ways. Creating an environment that fosters reading will help promote lifelong learning.”
The Foundation conducted the competitive grant program during May and June, inviting Daviess County teachers to apply for resources for 1st semester 2024-25 projects. Funding was provided by donations to three different funds held by the Foundation – the Jim and L Jane Norton Endowment, the Ken and Paula Jones Family Endowment, and the Administrative Support Fund.